
Beyond charity: sustainability

We only have what we give.
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Good act: charity

Justice begins next door.
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Good act: charity

Justice begins next door.

In eight countries, Free The Children works alongside the men, women and children who every day strive to free themselves from poverty, exploitation, disease and thirst. This effort is not charity, it is sustainability. It is freedom in action. It is Free The Children’s Adopt a Village development model. In eight countries, Free The Children works alongside the men.

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Beyond charity: sustainability

We only have what we give.

In eight countries, Free The Children works alongside the men, women and children who every day strive to free themselves from poverty, exploitation, disease and thirst. This effort is not charity, it is sustainability. It is freedom in action. It is Free The Children’s Adopt a Village development model. In eight countries, Free The Children works alongside the men.

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Beyond charity: sustainability

Good act: Charity.

In eight countries, Free The Children works alongside the men, women and children who every day strive to free themselves from poverty, exploitation, disease and thirst. This effort is not charity, it is sustainability. It is freedom in action. It is Free The Children’s Adopt a Village development model. In eight countries, Free The Children works alongside the men. In eight countries, Free The Children works alongside the men, women and children.

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